Schmuckband Kreuzgang

St. Wendelinus Spendenaktion an das Waisenhaus in Emene / Nigeria

Dankschreiben vom Waisenhaus "Guardian Angel Motherless Babies Home"

Collage Emene2.png (c) Lilli Lesk
Collage Emene2.png
So. 5. Sept. 2021
Florian Lesk

Dear Edmund,

Dear Friends,


Your donation of 5000 Euros sent to our Catholic Diocese of Enugu Account for GAMB Home has hit the account.  The money is indeed much needed and has came to bring joy and hope to our children and the sisters at this very difficult time in Nigeria's history.  


God bless you for your generosity.


You shall receive further formal acknowledgement with pictures and as indicated earlier in a previous mail, also the usual activity and financial reports.  


We are grateful and indebted to you.

