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Oswald von Nell-Breuning-Schule

Angebot der Theresien Kinder- und Jugendhilfezentrum Offenbach gGmbH

Abteilung 2e: Gymnasialniveau

ca. 70 Schülerinnen und Schüler

Die Abteilung 2e der Oswald-von-Nell-Breuning-Schule ist eine twice-exceptional-Schule. Hier werden ca. 70 Schülerinnen und Schüler unterrichtet, die in zweifacher Hinsicht außergewöhnlich sind: Sie sind hochbegabt und haben gleichzeitig Lernschwierigkeiten und eine problematische emotional-soziale Entwicklung.

Der Unterricht in der Abteilung 2e basiert auf dem Kerncurriculum für Gymnasien. Er beginnt mit Klasse 5/6 und geht bis Klasse 13. Es können Haupt- und Realschulabschlüsse erworben werden.

Etwa 40 % der Schülerinnen und Schüler Abteilung 2e besuchen die Oberstufe. In der Oberstufe besteht die Möglichkeit, die Abitur-Prüfung als externe Prüfung in Kooperation mit einem staatlich anerkannten Gymnasium abzulegen. Die Abteilung 2e führt seit vielen Jahren twice-exceptional Schülerinnen und Schüler erfolgreich zum Abitur.

Der Unterricht erfolgt in Kleingruppen von 8 bis 10 Lernenden. Alle Schülerinnen und Schüler werden sozialpädagogisch begleitet und es besteht ein enger, kooperativer Austausch zwischen den betreuenden Sozialpädagogen und den Lehrkräften der Schule.

School Department 2e, Oswald-von-Nell-Breuning-Schule Offenbach

The school department 2e is a twice-exceptional school. We teach students who are highly gifted and have learning difficulties, usually in combination with psychological conditions. We have approximately 70 students 12 to 19 years old. All of them come to us after being dismissed from public schools because of several learning- and behavior-related difficulties

Our staff comprises 15 teachers for the following subjects: Math, German, English, History, Politics, Ethics, Philosophy, Religion, Physical Education, Music, Latin, French, Physics, Chemistry, Art, Biology. The lessons are based on the core curriculum for Gymnasium.

Our school is organized in 8 or 9 classes. Starting with grad 6 (12 years old students), grad 7 (13 / 14 years old) … grad 13 (19 /20 years).

All students in our school receive professional support by social workers. There are three types of support in our institution: (1) The students live in residential groups, comparable to boarding school. (2) are provided with after-school care, until 5 p.m. (3) are individually supervised by a social worker (mostly the case with older students).

In cooperation with the social workers, we develop a shared educational concept for the students. In our regular meetings with a counseling psychologist and the teaching staff, the social workers are usually present.

Over the past several years, we have developed a special program for 2e students. Our ultimate target is to make it possible for the students to return to public school or to obtain the intermediate graduation certification after 10 years school (Realschulabschluss). Over the past 15 years, we have graduated approximately 200 students with Realschulabschluss. Annually, about 15% of our students go back to public schools.

In recent years, we have established an upper school (Oberstufe), which is currently attended by about 40% of our students. In our upper school, the students have the opportunity to take their Abitur, which is the highest school-leaving qualification in Germany and the most important requirement for enrolling in a university. Our upper school (Oberstufe) has been developed especially for 2e students. Since 2010, more than 50 students from our school have graduated Abitur (the university entrance exam) – an achievement they most likely would not have been able to earn in regular public schools.